Monday 20 March 2017

About "the white gallery"

Last year 'the white gallery' started as a spontaneous experiment, best described as the experience of following myself within a time confined space (13 weeks, 16 July- 16 Oct), no preparation whatsoever... just curiosity... confronting seemingly non-existent expectations... (jumping into the deep end, remembering Joseph Knecht's ending towards the end of Herman Hesse's novel 'The Glass bead game', hahaha... so, yes.... scary!)

The blog soon followed, a means to register an end in progress. 

Means: tool
Register: express 
End: focuspoint
Progress: development

Thursday 16 March 2017

Cleaning frames and cutting backing.

Outside it's a different season every 30 minutes, a typical early spring day in Duirinish.

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Back on track

Have been busy preparing the white gallery for business! 
(and.... tonite, playing around with a different Blog format, hahaha...)

These beauties checking out the shelf, keeping warm above the radiator!

I'll be around in April, May and June, 
working away in the gallery/workshop!
 Feel free to pop in for a wee nosy!
Lots of exciting new projects on the go...

Monday 23 January 2017

A Beautiful Day

Suddenly it dawns on me, amidst all the conjured up thoughts about "how".
"How" to do this, "how" to do that, blah blah, blaaah...

Why I hide. Why I've been hiding.

Monday 19 December 2016


Another small painting from the "Fragile Breakable" series. 

"Plotting Moon" 

A vulnerable figure rolled up into full moon shape, revealing a face-like image, scratching its chin.
1st in an edition of 6 (each of them executed slightly different)

Can be kept in its homemade recycled cardboard box, or lifted out and hung as it comes from the wee nail provided, or alternatively you could have it framed.
10-10cm, oil on canvas

£ 49.00

If you wish to purchase this wee gem, please get in touch by an email on or  leave a message.

UK postage is included.
For international postage, please enquire. 

Sunday 18 December 2016

Cycle of Life

A set of 2 small paintings, boldly depicting the dualism of existence.

"Piekeboo, moonlightdelivery" & "Deathmask"
From the "Fragile Breakable" series in the "ORDER & CHaos" range

They can be kept in their homemade recycled cardboard box, or lifted out and hung as they come or you can have them framed.
2 x 10-10cm, oil on canvas

£ 120.00

If you wish to purchase this set, please email me on 

UK postage is included.
For international postage, please enquire.

Monday 17 October 2016

DAY 71

Final day was yesterday,
no fuss,
just let it happen.

This morning?

HEAVY rather than HEADY

opening up resolves closure?

nothing to close off, 
just passing through having a look,
not sticking around getting bogged down,

taking leave.

making distance,
stretching the connection.
